Steve Chou-Lovers Genesis
01. Lian Ren Chuang Shi Ji / 恋人创世纪
(Lovers Genesis)
02. Guan Bu Shang De Chuang / 关不上的窗
(Can’t Shut The Window)
03. Huang Liang Meng / 黄粱梦
(Wong Liang Dream)
04. Dong Tian De Mi Mi / 冬天的秘密
(Winter’s Secret)
05. Wo Men De Fei Leng Cui / 我们的翡冷翠
(Our Own Florence)
06. Gu Dan Da Jie / 孤单大街
(Lonely Street)
07. Jiu Dang Ge / 酒当歌
(Sings While Drinking)
08. Shang Xin Jiu Bei / 伤心酒杯 - Feat. Gina
Lee / 李千娜
(Heartbroken Wineglass)
09. Lin Bie Yi Yan / 临别一眼
(The Last Glance)
10. Song Bie / 送别
Those people who don't know who is Steve Chou Chuan Xiong then , I introduce to you all la LOL. He is original singer Wang Huan(the dawn) and in mainland everyone called him as love songs proffessor or Godfather of Love songs. Basically, his song is full with emotional so those are having brokenheart so don't listen his songs haha because his song may make you more sad/hurt and recall back old memories.
This album coincide as 20th anniversary his music career and was out 7th April 2009.This new mandarin album is much more better compare to his previous few albums. I recommended few tracks that is track 1, track 3 and track 7. Especially the track no.7-Sing While Drinking , this track can bring imagination to you that standing on a wide plain cover full with grass and flowers in windy day plus fresh air around the place ..listening this song is very relaxing...mmm...frankly,track 8 the duet song also not bad too. Overall, these 10 new songs are more successful than his previous album Turkey In Blue because if you ask me how is the album about Turkey In blue then
, Track 4 and track 8 are nice only so others just normal nothing special. Let's talk back the latest album, all the songs was composed by himself so he quite a genius because every songs he compose has very unique music each of it. Moreover, his song not easy to sing because very high key haha~!
Surprise le I blog again haha~! Too tired today because whole day got law lesson from 9am to 7pm OMG so take some rest lo haha~!Sigh...exam coming soon walao this sem pass very fast compare previous aduhai...
wow!you are fans of chou chun xiong!!haha,nowadays seldom meet Malaysians who love him!haah!ok.i am going to listen to his new songs and get back here!